Palliative and end of life care
Excellence in palliative care
Palliative and end of life care is a special type of care that aims to support people with life limiting illness and their families to live life as well as possible, right to the last breath.
Palliative and end of life care often enlists multidisciplinary teams of clinicians, and allied and primary health practitioners to meet the needs of the individual and can be provided in hospital, aged care homes, specialist services or at home.
Hearing the lived experience of recipient families and the palliative care experts who accompany them, is an opportunity for us to reflect on what excellence in palliative care is.
We are privileged to share the deeply personal experiences of people and families in our care.
We hope their experiences are of benefit and comfort to you If you or someone close to you is very ill, or someone close to you has died recently.

Palliative and End of Life Care Research Institute
The Calvary network has undertaken ground-breaking research over many years and its researchers work with National and State research collaborations which bring together leading clinicians and researchers in medical, allied health and nursing fields.
Much of this innovative and ground breaking research initiated by palliative care clinicians here in Australia is changing palliative care practice around the world.