Reconciliation at Calvary
Calvary acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and Owners of the lands on which all our services operate.
We recognise that these Custodians have walked upon and cared for these lands for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of First Nations peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2022-2023
A message from our NCEO
I am pleased to share Calvary’s 2022-2023 Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which provides our organisation with a Reconciliation framework and action plan, enabling us to make a significant contribution to the Australian reconciliation process. The development of our RAP speaks to our Strategic Intent in providing safe, equitable workplaces that are welcoming and respectful of all.
Calvary is committed to creating an organisational culture where everyone is welcome, and one where First Nations peoples feel respected, valued and culturally-safe. As a national provider of hospital, home, aged and virtual care services to people throughout all stages of life, we aim to make a positive, lasting contribution to the health outcomes of First Nations peoples in our care. We actively support the participation of First Nations peoples in the Calvary workforce, and support improving economic outcomes for First Nations suppliers. That’s why in October 2022, Calvary joined Supply Nation, an organisation that brings together the largest national database of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses with Australia’s leading organisations’ procurement teams to help them engage, create relationships and do more business.
Through the implementation and localisation of our RAP, we will embed the purpose and principles of reconciliation across Calvary, to ensure equity and equality for First Nations staff, patients, residents, clients and the communities we serve.
With the release of our 2022-2023 Reflect RAP, I affirm our commitment towards the ongoing journey of reconciliation, and I invite all staff, suppliers and those in our care, to join us as we play our part in bringing about reconciliation in Australia.
Martin Bowles AO PSM
National Chief Executive Officer
Download our Reconciliation Action Plan
Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group
Calvary’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RWG) is a standing working group of the People, Values, Communications and Culture Committee (PVCCC) and works on the development, approval, implementation and monitoring of Calvary’s RAP.
The RWG membership is comprised of nominated RAP Champions (the Co-Chairs), members of First Nations communities and representatives of staff from across the organisation.
Members include:
Mark Green, National Director of Mission and People (Executive Sponsor)
Brooke Wichman, Deputy Director of Clinical Services, Calvary Riverina Hospital (Co-Chair)
Dr Tony Hobbs, Senior Medical Advisor, Aged Care (Co-Chair)
John Lochowiak, National Cultural Advisor (First Nations)
Adriana Sanchez, National Manager Mission & Ethics Campaigns
Belinda Chapman, Mission Integration Coordinator, South Australia
Sharon Kendall, RCEO SA/NT
Arlana Cook, Customer & Contract Lead Aged Care
Jane Graham, National Manager, Consumer Safety Culture
Rebecca Badcock, RCEO ACT & Southern NSW
Melanie Webb, Service Manager Home Care
Matt Peel, Manager Mission Integration, Pastoral Care & Volunteers
Nada Macias, Executive Assistant to the National Director of Mission and People (Secretariat)
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Partnerships and initiatives
Calvary has a strong community partnership with Alberton Primary School, involving students from a diverse range of backgrounds and 40 Aboriginal Learners. Together, we created a Mindful Mentor program where staff are able to mentor students, receive mentoring from students, and encouraged to take care of themselves and practice mindfulness.
“The goal of the Mindful Mentor group is to empower students to use de-escalation strategies when they feel big feelings, and be able to self-regulate”, says Christine Vlass, Wellbeing Leader from Alberton Primary.

“De-escalation strategies such as butterfly breathing, mindful reflection and hand-breathing are some of the strategies that assist students in being ‘ready to learn’ and experience mindful actions and thoughts. Big feelings are a part of learning, and life. We promote the importance of wellbeing and its impact on learning.”
The Mindful Mentor program has been well-received by the school community. The 10 Mindful Mentors meet once a fortnight to explore mindfulness and gratitude, and how this can help them in their life. In 2022, this group made various program presentations to Calvary Executives and Managers as well as Hospitality (Calvary Adelaide Hospital) and Graduate Nurses (Calvary North Adelaide Hospital).
MALPA’s Young Doctors for Life Program is a unique, culturally-derived, grass roots approach to train Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children – 9 to 12 year olds – to become Young Doctors. Calvary has formed a strong partnership with MALPA in South Australia, with visits to Calvary sites as part of the program.
Empowering children to take control of their health
MALPA’s Young Doctors for Life empowers children to take control of their health destiny and help shape the future for their family and community. Calvary set out to establish a mentoring program to welcome, educate and find creative ways to engage the students with a desire to stay at school and consider future pathways into healthcare. We have now successfully run the program with three different schools visiting three different Calvary sites.
“The results were excellent with our young participants experiencing a day of learning in ways that were fun and safe and challenged any preconceived ideas the students held”, said Eleazar Newchurch Papillo, National Manager MALPA.
“Each of the Calvary sites offered a slightly different learning experience. The students’ feedback confirmed that this hands-on experience was not only enjoyable, but they talked about and then shared the things they learned. This learning included looking at CPR, talking about who works in the hospitals, learning knowledge from the staff, getting to have a look around the hospital, mentored by doctors and staff and many more great learning experiences.”
Kids smiling means kids learning
The positive outcomes the students have achieved from this partnership between MALPA and the Calvary Hospital teams are evident in the participation at the sessions, the quality and quantity of information the students have had access to and the growing student confidence.
“Kids smiling means kids learning. The practical learning has been particularly effective in this program, and promotes success for all students regardless of their literacy and numeracy competencies” said Eleazar Newchurch Papillo, National Manager MALPA.
Tiwi Engagement Officer Jonathan Munkara boosts local engagement in Tiwi Islands community.
In late 2022, Farzi Khan, Home Care Service Centre Manager in NT, worked in collaboration with The Tiwi Islands Training & Employment Board, to employ Jonathan Munkara, Tiwi Engagement Officer.
“Since Jono joined Calvary, we have seen increased engagement with members of the community, with some of the local Tiwi Islanders expressing interest in working in aged care at Mulakunya,” says Farzi Khan.
Calvary works closely with the Tiwi Islands Training & Employment Board, who provides support and guidance in the recruitment process. This has been very successful with more locals becoming interested in working in Aged Care and becoming important and valued staff members in the Calvary community.

Austin Tipiloura, our Kitchen Hand and Jonathan Munkara, Tiwi Engagement Officer