Preparing for childbirth

Our dedicated obstetricians, paediatricians, midwives and allied health teams are here to support all aspects of your care. You will have scheduled appointments throughout your pregnancy with the option to share care between your obstetrician and a midwife as part of our free post-natal clinic service.

Planning your pregnancy

The next Planning Your Family seminar will explore topics such as diet, work, exercise and early screening. You will also be given a tour of the Maternity facilities at Calvary Lenah Valley.

This seminar is free to attend. For dates please contact our maternity team:

Education classes

Calvary Lenah Valley offers a free comprehensive Parent Education Program designed to provide information, guidance and support during your pregnancy, birth and parenting journey.

This program is available as a three week evening program or intensive one day workshop.

This one-day intensive workshop covers labour, birth, parenting and breastfeeding.

Labour and birth

  • Role of the support person(s)

  • The natural process of labour

  • Managing contractions at home

  • Strategies for the management of labour

  • Pain relief options

  • Tour of the Birthing suite and how to use facilities

  • The process of giving birth

  • When to come to hospital

  • Medical interventions, why and when is it necessary?

  • Where to come / What to bring

Introduction to parenting and breastfeeding

  • Role of parents and lifestyle changes

  • Decision making for you and your baby

  • Communication as a couple about parenting and related issues

  • Emotional changes in pregnancy and parenting

  • Baby care in hospital and at home

  • Realistic expectations of self and baby

  • Benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby

  • The 10 Steps to successful breastfeeding

  • Breastfeeding position and attachment

  • Meet a new baby and what to expect with their appearance

Couples who attend this session are invited to attend a doctors session also.

Session information
  • These sessions are held at Calvary Lenah Valley, Level 3

  • Saturday 9am – 1pm including morning tea

  • Free for women giving birth at Calvary Lenah Valley and their partner

  • To book your space, call us on 03 6278 5328

We run specific 1:1 sessions for parents who have previously had a baby.

Our focus will depend on your individual needs and can offer information and support relating to:

  • Vaginal birth following a previous caesarean birth

  • Debriefing of previous experiences

  • Assisting you to feel in control of decision making for this pregnancy, labour and birth

Our experienced Specialist Lactation Consultants will offer a 1:1 session for parents at request.

Session information
  • Sessions are held at Calvary Lenah Valley, Level 3

  • Free for women giving birth at Calvary Lenah Valley and their partner

  • For dates and bookings please contact our maternity team:

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Preparing for breastfeeding

Calvary Lenah Valley is an accredited Baby Friendly hospital by the World Health Organisation and UNICEF.

We aim to provide services of the highest quality to support breastfeeding mothers before and after your baby’s birth.

The Parent Education Program includes a session dedicated to help new mothers prepare for breastfeeding, position and attachment.

A specialist lactation consultant can provide 1:1 support to help prepare for breastfeeding, including women who have experienced:

  • Previous breast reduction or breast surgery

  • Previous breastfeeding difficulties

  • Flat or inverted nipples

  • Any special needs – physical or emotional

The breastfeeding and lactation clinic will continue to support you until your baby has weaned.

Bookings and care options

Contact the maternity and women’s health unit on to make an appointment for a pre-admission meeting with a midwife and to book your parent education classes.