Calvary John James Hospital
173 Strickland Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600
Calvary John James Private Hospital in Deakin offers an extensive range of services including general medical, maternity, rehabilitation, and both day and overnight surgery services.
We are the only private hospital in the ACT with a hydrotherapy pool, and the only private hospital in Canberra offering paediatric surgery.
Quick info
Visiting hours
Visitors are welcome in our general wards between 10.00am-8.00pm.
Intensive care unit (ICU)
Visitors to ICU can access the unit via the Aubrey Tow Medical Ward. To gain access to the unit, please ring the bell located on the wall adjacent to the ICU entry. A member of the ICU nursing staff will assist you.
Please note that no flowers or plants are permitted in ICU.
We may in some circumstances permit visits outside of normal visiting hours; please speak with the Nurse Unit Manager or After Hours Nurse Manager if required.
Maternity access codes
To align with National Security Standards for Maternity Units, access codes are required to enter the unit. These will be provided to women and their partners / support persons on admission.
Please contact the woman for the code if wishing to visit.
Find a doctor or specialist
Services and clinics
At Calvary John James Hospital we offer a high standard of patient care to the communities of Canberra and surrounds, as well as a comprehensive range of health services.
Tell us about your patient experience

Maps and transport
We can help you with the following:
Parking information
Public transport

Committed to safety
Clinical safety and quality
At Calvary, the quality and safety of your health care is our priority. Each year, we publish data that measures our quality and safety against industry and government targets.

Join us in making a difference
Information for doctors
Maximise your potential as part of a legacy of quality healthcare spanning over 135 years.
Find out about our credentialing processes, upcoming compendiums and how to express your interest in opportunities at Calvary.

Get involved
Volunteer with us
Make a tangible difference to the lives of others, while discovering the best version of yourself.