Calvary forced into legal response to ACT Government’s legislation

Calvary continues to be frustrated by the ACT Government’s delays to consider any meaningful options for resolving the negotiations since introduction of its Health Infrastructure Enabling Bill 2023 in the ACT Legislative Assembly on 11 May, 2023, and has now been forced to take this step.
“Our review of the proposed legislation and associated regulation indicates that just terms are simply not available and outside of this there is no indication that commercial terms are available to resolve this matter,” said Calvary National Chief Executive Martin Bowles.
The proposed legislation was created for the ACT Government to compulsorily acquire the whole of Calvary’s public hospital enterprise including its land, the public hospital assets and other rights which Calvary has under the existing lease and Network Agreements.
“All we have is an announcement and an imposed unrealistic timeline that has distressed our people and could ultimately put clinical safety at risk,” Mr Bowles said.
Calvary will continue to support staff while the Court considers the legal challenge.