Calvary tackles modern slavery in a changing global environment

Calvary National Chief Executive, Martin Bowles, says global supply chain issues and workforce shortages are increasing the risk for modern slavery, but Calvary will continually review and improve the way it manages procurement risks.
“We should never lose sight of the importance of our role in upholding human rights, not only with our own employees but also the people and organisations we deal with daily across our operations,” Mr Bowles said.
“Product shortages can create modern slavery and forced labour risks, and our teams work hard to predict, identify and manage these within our risk management framework.”
Calvary demonstrated its commitment to managing the risk of modern slavery last year when it stepped in to support a supplier with limited knowledge of Australia’s modern slavery laws and requirements.
Throughout 2022, Calvary conducted various reviews to educate and support the supplier, which subsequently developed a comprehensive policy, including mandatory training in modern slavery risk management. The supplier has also committed to voluntarily submit an annual modern slavery report to the Australian Government even though they are not considered a reporting entity under existing thresholds.
Mr Bowles said Calvary’s 2022 Modern Slavery Statement sets out a clear guideline of how the organisation would continue to play a crucial role to address and prevent modern slavery.
“At Calvary, we believe the importance of a modern slavery program extends beyond an organisation’s legal accountabilities, and our supplier engagement program is an effective way of ensuring compliance to our standards,” Mr Bowles said.
“Ensuring modern slavery does not exist in our supply chain or operations aligns with our mission and reflects our values to be good stewards of our operations and show respect to all.
“We cannot be an organisation dedicated to healing when we know the possible harm we are causing in doing so.”
Beyond 2023, Calvary will:
continuously improve its due diligence in modern slavery risk management, encouraging its supply base to improve their risk management programs;
conduct random audits of high risk suppliers;
expand supply chain mapping and update its risk profile, expanding its modern slavery program accordingly;
roll out its governance and process into an online supplier platform to capture more suppliers under its risk mitigation process; and
monitor and report on adherence to ethical sourcing policy and documents.