Over $14,000 raised by Calvary Hobart for Bowel Cancer Awareness

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month is an annual initiative of Bowel Cancer Australia, running throughout the month of June (1-30), to raise public awareness of a disease that claims the lives of 80 Australians each week.
CEO Kathryn Berry is proud of the dedicated efforts of hospital staff and specialists. “Our staff and specialists are passionate about providing support for people experiencing bowel cancer.
“Staff have undertaken a number of fundraising events including selling fresh apples on site and the very popular used book & movie stalls held within the hospital foyer. We especially thank specialist Gastroenterologists Dr Jarrad Wilson and Dr Kwang Yee for their generous donations.”
Kathyrn Berry is keen to reinforce that “Bowel Cancer Australia is 100% community-funded and it is only through such generosity that those who have been affected by bowel cancer are able to live their best lives with high quality treatment and vital support services.”
Bowel Cancer Australia CEO Julien Wiggins gratefully acknowledged Calvary’s efforts saying “Bowel Cancer Australia thank Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, for helping us to make real change happen for people affected by bowel cancer.”
Fundraising continues until the end of the month, culminating in a cake & bake stall on June 29th at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital.