Proudly serving the people of Shepparton for more than 17 years

These services are funded by the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP).
CHSP (funded and established by the Australian Commonwealth Government) is an entry level program that assists those over the age of 65 years, (50 or over for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples) to continue living independently in their own home.
Calvary Community Care Director of Operations, Julie Maya, said that with no changes to services, clients can expect the same level of care and dedication. Calvary Community Care has delivered a range of home care support services for more than two decades.
“Calvary Community Care is proud to have served the people of Shepparton for more than 17 years. We look forward to continuing our work to help people live independently with our home care services,” said Ms Maya
Greater Shepparton City Council Manager Neighbourhoods, Amanda Tingay said clients of in-home services will not be disrupted as part of this change. Clients have received joint communication from Council and Calvary Community Care regarding the changes.
“The services moving to Calvary Community Care to manage include domestic assistance, personal care, respite care, social support individual/shopping and home maintenance. Council will continue to manage delivered meals, social support groups and home modifications,” said Ms Tingay.
Clients will automatically become a client of Calvary Community Care CHSP in-home services and Calvary Community Care from 1 July 2020.
For questions or concerns about these changes contact:
Greater Shepparton City Council’s Aged and Disability Services on 5832 9785
Calvary Community Care on 1300 797 522