Calvary Central Districts
Doctors and healthcare professionals
In this section you can learn a little more about the doctors and healthcare professionals at Calvary Central Districts.
These various occupations work within a framework that ensures we provide you with timely, appropriate care in a safe and suitable setting.
Our team includes:
Medical officers: visiting medical officers (senior doctors in a specialty) and staff medical officers
Nursing: registered nurses and enrolled nurses.
Allied health team: physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists, pastoral care, pharmacists and medical imaging technicians.

Credentialing information for doctors
More than 4000 specialists, doctors and allied health practitioners are accredited to provide care and services to patients in Calvary hospitals.
If you’re interested in applying for accreditation at a Calvary Hospital, get in touch with us today:
Information for GPs
Calvary Central Districts Hospital provides GPs and their privately insured patients to access same day consultations in most instances, hospitalisations, rapid access to surgical procedures, colonoscopy and endoscopic services.
Northern Breast Centre
The Northern Breast Centre provides expert care for all breast care needs:
One convenient location
Triaging of diagnostic appointments
Specialised surgical team
Minimal surgical appointment wait times
Experienced breast care nurses
Specialists participating in the Northern Breast Centre service:
Dr Anurag Gupta
Dr Sam Rice
GPs can make a booking for the first available or preferred specialist by contacting the Northern Breast Centre:
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Phone: 08 8282 5300
Fast track colonoscopy and endoscopy
The fast track colonoscopy and endoscopy service has been developed to fast track access for patients presenting with conditions that require urgent endoscopy or colonoscopy with one of the participating medical specialists associated with Calvary Central Districts Hospital.
The patients will receive a brief consultation on the day with a participating specialist prior to their endoscopy or colonoscopy.
If the patient has a medical history that requires consultation prior to the day of surgery this can be arranged.
Patients with private health insurance are required to provide their health fund details and policy number.
The hospital can provide a competitive quote for uninsured patients that would like to have their procedure within one week of referral to avoid lengthy waiting lists in the public hospitals.
GPs can make a booking by contacting the bookings team to discuss the first available or your preferred specialist:
Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm
Phone: 08 8282 5316
Physician Direct Admission
The Physician Direct admission roster has been developed to assist GPs and their privately insured patients to access same day consultations and hospitalisation for chronic or low acuity medical conditions.
The service provides rapid and easy access for GPs to contact the physician direct to discuss the patient’s condition and most appropriate care. The roster is supported by general and respiratory physicians and geriatricians.
If the patient has a condition that requires emergency management please call 000 and refer them to the closest emergency department.
For patients requiring hospitalisation for elective/chronic medical conditions you can speak to the Director of Clinical Services at the hospital who can refer you to the on call physician. To arrange an admission please call 1300 997 292.
All patients are required to have private health insurance if they require hospitalisation under the care of the participating physicians.