Calvary Health Care Kogarah
Specialist palliative care
The goal of palliative care is to help you or your loved one achieve dignity, comfort and maximise the quality of life.
Patients, families and carers are benefiting from a $1.79m refurbishment to our palliative care facilities. Our updated and enlarged rooms provide a larger space for family gatherings and the clinical environment has been transformed with new carpet, paint, wood trim and imagery to make this a warm and welcoming home-like environment .
The improvements, which include rooms with balconies, a family concertina room and a communal lounge room and kitchen, give families the opportunity to stay with their loved ones in a more spacious and welcoming environment during end-of-life care, helping to bring some comfort to patients and their families during what can often be a very difficult time.
At Calvary Health Care Kogarah we use a team approach to address the needs of patients and their families. Our care is coordinated with other services and is focused on the whole person. We help patients to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.
Palliative care services at Calvary Health Care Kogarah
- Inpatient and outpatients
- Home visits by the community palliative care team (CPCT)
- Palliative care – Hospital in the Home Program (HiTH)
- 24 hour phone support
- Palliative care gymnasium
- Pain and symptom management
- Equipment loans
- End of life care
- Bereavement support

At Calvary Health Care Kogarah we provide support and care by:
Understanding that illness affects the whole person – physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually
Advising and supporting your primary care team, including family, carers and friends
Managing complex symptoms, controlling pain and other signs of distress
Respecting your freedom of choice
Referring the community palliative care team
Providing equipment to support you to stay in the home setting as long as possible
Providing 24 hour telephone advice
Teaching the family how to care for you
Supporting you to transition into Residential Aged Care if you are unable to return home
Bereavement support by trained counsellors
We provide palliative care as an inpatient service, at home or in residential care facilities. You can be admitted for pain and symptom management, slow stream rehabilitation or end of life care.
Palliative care services we offer you and your family
A palliative care medical consultant can help you manage any issues regarding your illness in consultation with your general practitioner (GP).
Specialist palliative care nurses offer care, give advice and information any time of the day or night.
Social workers offer counselling, support, information and practical advice on getting help in the community.
Pastoral carers offer counselling and support. They can help you on an emotional, personal, practical, and spiritual level.
Physiotherapists offer practical help and advice to live life as well as possible. They can help with managing pain and suggesting exercises.
Occupational therapists help you manage everyday activities and assist with providing equipment.
Palliative care volunteers are trained to help you, provide relaxation and offer social support.
Bereavement support staff and counselling offer counselling and help people deal with loss and grief in their own way.
Referrals to the community palliative care service are assessed and triaged by nurse specialists.
The initial assessment may occur at home or in one of our palliative care clinics. If patients are too unwell to travel to the clinic then a specialist palliative care nurse will visit the patient at home.
The community palliative care team is multi-disciplinary and consists of nurses, physiotherapists, medical specialists, social workers, occupational therapists, pastoral care workers and volunteers
The service operates Monday – Friday, 8am – 4.30pm with after-hours telephone support.
Limited weekend service – 8am – 4.30pm with after-hours telephone support.
At Calvary Health Care Kogarah both inpatients and community patients are encouraged to attend the gymnasium as part of their care.
Physiotherapists individually assess each client and prescribe appropriate treatment based on the client’s abilities and goals.
Physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants conduct daily group exercise sessions in the gym and provide a relaxed, social environment promoting interaction with staff and other clients, carers and family members. The gymnasium environment offers a support system to help the client and family cope during the client’s illness and in their bereavement.
How to access these services
Referral by GP, another hospital or medical specialist
91-111 Rocky Point Road, Kogarah NSW 2217
Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm