Calvary John James Hospital
We are committed to supporting you throughout your pregnancy and the birth of your baby. We will support you throughout your journey, every step of the way.
The Calvary John James Hospital Maternity Unit was founded in 1994 and in that time has built a reputation for providing high-quality obstetric services in a warm and caring environment. We strive to provide the highest standard of health care to our patients through evidence-based practice and access to the latest medical technology.
Maternity access codes
To align with National Security Standards for Maternity Units, access codes are required to enter the unit. These will be provided to women and their partners / support persons on admission.
Please contact the woman for the code if wishing to visit.
Educational resources for new parents
Our maternity services include:
- Private ensuite rooms
- Antenatal assessments
- Birthing suites
- Maternity education classes and workshops
- Midwifery care
- Special care nursery

Classes and workshops
Labour, Birthing and Caesarean Section Class
For those in their second or third trimester, ideally between 30-37 weeks of pregnancy.
The class covers:
Stages of labour
Vaginal delivery/assisted vaginal delivery/caesarean section delivery
When to ring the hospital
Pain relief options
The role of your support person
Baby cares advice
Lactation advice
Antenatal Physiotherapy Education Class
For those in their second or third trimester, ideally between 20-25 weeks of pregnancy. This class is suitable for all pregnant women, even if you are planning an elective caesarean section birth and goes over lots of practical advice.
The class covers:
Anatomical changes in pregnancy
How to activate your pelvic floor muscles correctly
Safe exercise options in pregnancy
Avoiding back and pelvic pain
TENS machine use
Perineal massage
Pregnancy “Bumpercise” Exercise Classes
The maternity physiotherapy team warmly invites you to our ‘Pregnancy Exercise Classes’. Our six-week programs include one class of 45 minutes duration per week. Our classes are:
Led by experienced physiotherapists.
Safe and tailored to pregnancy specific exercise requirements.
Designed to help build and maintain strength & fitness during pregnancy.
Include core and pelvic floor muscle training.
You are welcome to attend at any point during your pregnancy.

Postnatal “Mums & Bubs” Exercise Classes
We also invite mums to make new friends, get fit and feel fabulous at our postnatal ‘Mums and Bubs’ exercise classes.
Our experienced maternity physiotherapists have designed a program that is safe and sympathetic to the special exercise requirements of new mums.
Classes are designed to improve general fitness and to strengthen pelvic floor muscles all in a safe and supervised environment.
Classes commence six weeks post–delivery (minimum) and run for an hour, once a week for six weeks.
Both classes are open to everyone, regardless of birth location.

For antenatal education classes:
Calvary John James Hospital is pleased to announce we have partnered with 10to8 to create an online booking platform for our antenatal education classes.
Bookings can be made via the website or QR code, or visit our information page for class timetables and availability.

For physiotherapy exercise classes:
For more information or to book in for our physio exercise classes, please contact our friendly physiotherapy team:
Phone: 02 6229 2250
Online Maternity Education Package:
Our Maternity Education Package is also available online – the package contains the complete recorded works of our face-to-face classes, workshops and tour. We hope that you find these videos convenient and easy to follow.
Useful information

Calvary John James Hospital offers physiotherapy services on the maternity unit. Our experienced maternity physiotherapists run regular postnatal education classes on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays on the ward and are available for 1:1 services in your room.
We also stock SRC pregnancy and postnatal garments, available for purchase.
If you are interested in attending our “Bumpercise” Exercise Class during your pregnancy, or our “Mums & Bubs” Exercise Class after your baby is born, please contact us to book in. Full details about these classes can be found in the above section named “Physiotherapy Exercise Classes”.
How to access this service:
If you would like to speak with one of our maternity physiotherapists, please contact us:
Phone: 02 6229 2250
Our postnatal ward consists of 18 private ensuite rooms, one shared room and four deluxe suites.
Our birthing suites are designed with an emphasis on comfort and offer you a relaxing and safe environment in which to have your baby. We also actively encourage your partner/support person to be involved in your care throughout labour, birth and beyond.
The standard postnatal stay is 4 – 5 nights. Overnight accommodation is also available for your partner/support person.
Accommodation for you and your support person at Calvary John James Hospital includes:
Spacious private ensuite rooms
Ensuites with a baby bath
Flexible and appetising menu options
Pullout lounge provided for your partner/support person
Portable baby bassinet
Zouki café onsite
Patient meal times
Breakfast: 7.15 am – 8.15 am Lunch: 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm Dinner: 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Times may vary from ward to ward.
Morning tea, afternoon tea and supper will be provided throughout the day. There is a microwave on the ward available to heat meals if required and also a shared refrigerator available for you to utilise.
Zouki café and other meal options
Zouki café is situated near the main entrance of Calvary John James Hospital and offers breakfast and lunch options and a wide range of other delicious meals as well as a selection of beverages for your convenience during your stay with us.
Their operating hours are:
Monday to Friday 7.00 am – 4.00 pm
Saturday and Sunday – Closed
Our hospital will gladly provide your partner/support person with one complimentary dinner during your admission. Once their complimentary dinner has been used, they are most welcome to purchase dinner options from the hospital kitchen. Please see maternity reception during business hours to purchase your meal. It is appreciated if orders are made by 2pm the latest.
Weekend food services
As Zouki café is currently closed on weekends, we invite your partner/support person to purchase breakfast, lunch and dinner from our kitchen. These meals must be pre-ordered and paid for at admission time. Please speak to a friendly staff member of the maternity unit if you would like to use this service over the weekend during your stay with us.

A large room with comfortable hotel-style furnishings including a double bed (“Mini Deluxe” pictured)
All meals for you and your partner/support person from our Deluxe Suite Menu
Mini bar stocked daily with a range of snacks and beverages
Complimentary parking for your vehicle
Coffee machine
Large flat screen TV
Morning and afternoon tea
Complimentary toiletries
A minimum two night stay is required
Once we receive a request for your admission from your doctor, a formal estimate will be created based on the information they provide and an informed financial consent will be sent to you (generally six weeks prior to admission).
An expression of interest form for the deluxe suites will be included. If you are interested, please fill out the form and send it back to the hospital.
The deluxe suites are based on arrival/admission. If the suites are occupied on arrival, you will be placed on the waiting list which will be worked through accordingly.
Please note costs associated with the deluxe suites are an out-of-pocket expense and are not covered by private health funds.
Contact us
For more information contact us on 02 6281 8730.
The special care nursery at Calvary John James Hospital is an accredited Level 2 unit with highly-trained personnel. We aim for each baby to receive the best possible care every single time and we are proudly committed to supporting our vision.
Our special care nursery offers care to:
Preterm babies
Low birth weight babies
IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Restriction)
Babies born with low blood sugar levels
Babies with breathing difficulties
Neonatal jaundice
The special care nursery is a 24-hour unit providing individualised care for preterm babies and continuous support for the parents. This includes:
Continuous positive airway pressure
Phototherapy treatment for babies with jaundice
IV fluids for babies with challenging low blood sugars
Administering IV antibiotics
Newborn screening blood test
Continuous support for breastfeeding parents
Provide rooming-in services for babies and their parents before discharging
Parent education and discharge planning
Pastoral care staff work as part of the medical and interdisciplinary team to provide a supportive, compassionate presence for people at significant times of transitions, illness, grief or loss. This care is most often delivered through attentive and reflective listening and seeks to identify the person’s spiritual resources, hopes and needs.
The pastoral care staff are on hand to provide emotional and spiritual support to patients, their visitors and to staff. Spirituality is about what gives life meaning and where each individual derives that meaning from. Emotions such as anxiety, grief, fear, relief and joy often arise for people when they come into hospital. The pastoral care team can assist with support around these issues.
In maternity specifically, this may be to rejoice with you around the birth of your baby, or to provide emotional support in what might be a time of transition or anxiety around the unknown. In the unlikely event that the outcome is not as you had hoped, pastoral care staff can assist with grief and ritual support and connect you to external chaplaincy around this also.
After birth, your baby remains with you. ‘Rooming in’ is encouraged for all mothers and babies. This close contact will quickly enable you to learn to respond to your baby’s cues.
Your midwife or nurse will provide support and assistance to you with care and feeding of your baby. Contrary to popular opinion, mothers who have their babies with them at night do not lose sleep, in comparison with mothers whose babies are in a nursery. In fact, there may be some beneficial effects including better quality sleep. You are less likely to be disturbed by the sound of other babies in the night.
Newborn hearing test
As part of the National Hearing Test program all babies are offered the newborn hearing screening test either during their stay at Calvary John James or within the first few days after going home.
Newborn Hepatitis B vaccine
Before or soon after you have your baby, your doctor or midwife will discuss hepatitis B immunisations with you and will ask you to make a decision about whether you want your baby immunised.
If you choose to have your baby immunised the birth dose will be given as soon as the baby is stable, preferably within 24 hours of birth and up to seven days of age. Your baby will need three more doses of the hepatitis B vaccine to be fully immunised. These will be given at two, four and six months of age in combination with your baby’s other routine childhood immunisations so your baby will not receive any additional needles.
Newborn Vitamin K
During your pregnancy, your doctor or midwife should ask whether you want your baby to have vitamin K and they will arrange to provide it. Soon after birth, your baby will have a vitamin K injection (unless you have made specific arrangements for oral vitamin K). This will be given by a midwife.
Newborn screening test
Newborn screening tests are performed on all babies born in Australia. This is an important test to detect metabolic disorders which, unless treated early in life, may affect your child’s future development.
The blood is obtained from your baby’s heel by a needle prick within 48-72 hours following the birth of your baby, and you will only be notified of results if the tests are abnormal.
Going home with your baby is an exciting time. It is also a time of new experiences.
If you live in the ACT, the maternal and child health service will provide you with on-going care. They will initially contact you by phone and arrange their first appointment, either in your home or a maternal and child health clinic. If you live in NSW, the early childhood nurses will contact you by phone to arrange the appointment, either in your home or the early childhood clinics.
Before you leave the hospital ensure that you have been given your birth registration papers, Centrelink pack, your baby’s cot card and your baby’s Blue Book. Centrelink papers cannot be reissued by the hospital if you misplace them, so please ensure these documents are stored in a safe place.
Calvary John James Hospital is a proud donor of the Mother Ignacia Clinic in Soe, West Timor. This hospital (including maternity hospital) was founded by local Canberra Obstetrician, Dr David O’Rourke OAM and his wife Sue-Ann after they saw first-hand the poverty and conditions under which expectant mothers receive care and babies are brought into this world.
When you stay in a Deluxe Suite at Calvary John James, $25 a night is donated to the Mother Ignacia Clinic “One Birth at a Time” program which raises important funding to improve the conditions and care that expectant mothers receive to deliver safely in hospital. To find out more, including how you can “Sponsor a Birth” (for just $250) or make a general donation, please visit
Further information about the clinic and hospital is available on the Mother Ignacia website.
Holly & Sage are our very own contracted newborn photography service providers.
They offer in-hospital Mini Newborn Portrait Sessions during your stay. You don’t even need to get out of your PJs!
Alternatively, enquire about a maternity, birth story or home sweet home portrait session to capture your whole maternal experience and the rest of the family.
Bookings and contact
For more information, contact Holly directly or visit her website and social media.
Phone: 0408 205 519
Email: [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Simply ask your general practitioner to refer you to a Calvary John James Hospital accredited obstetrician.
Booking in for the birth of your baby is a two-step process:
Once booked in with your obstetrician, they will send a referral to our hospital so we can book you in as a patient for the birth of your baby.
You will then be required to complete an online E-Admission.
Once both ends have been received, a maternity welcome pack will be posted to your address. The welcome pack includes information about our hospital, our classes and workshops and also what to bring with you for your admission.
Yes. All of your antenatal appointments will be attended through your chosen obstetricians’ rooms. Our hospital will provide the educational classes, the accommodation, the birth of your baby and postnatal care.
Tours are run as part of the antenatal classes. If you wish to attend a tour of the unit without attending the classes please contact our Ward Clerk on 02 6281 8730 and they will be able to you give you a date and time to attend.
Calvary John James Hospital provides mothers with many educational classes, which are available online through our Maternity Online Education Package. These include:
Birth and parenting classes for first time mothers, which can also be offered as a refresher class
Breastfeeding workshops
Caesarean section workshops
Antenatal physiotherapy education sessions
Anaesthetic workshops
A vaginal birth is a four-night stay, and a caesarean section is a five-night stay.
We encourage your spouse, partner or support person to stay with you whilst you are a patient in the hospital to offer assistance or any support.
Our private rooms are designed to cater for overnight stays with a pull out sofa bed provided. If you wish to stay overnight please note the following:
You are entitled to one complimentary dinner. Please ask the maternity staff for a copy of the menu.
Dress appropriately and wear footwear whilst walking around the ward or throughout the hospital.
Please remember that you are in a hospital and any hospital staff may enter your room at any time during the day or night.
Only one person may stay overnight whether it be the spouse, partner or support person. Other persons (including children) are not allowed to stay overnight under any circumstances.
Please note sometimes your online E-Admission will be received before the referral from your obstetrician.
We require both the referral and online E-Admission for your welcome pack to be posted out. If you are worried that you have not heard anything from the hospital, please phone the maternity reception so we can have a look into your patient file.
There are two items numbers you can provide your private insurer with:
16519 (pregnancy related services, management of labour and birth, caesarean section) and
16520 (caesarean section delivery + post-op care).
Please email our reception for a self-funding quote.
Please note that this is an estimate only, which is based on the information you have provided. Should additional or alternative procedures be performed, or the length of stay differ from what was anticipated, Calvary John James reserves the right to review these charges.
Once we receive a request for your admission from your doctor, a formal estimate will be done up based on the information they provide and an informed financial consent will be sent to you (generally 6 weeks prior to admission).
This is a reflection of the hospital costs only and any accounts from other providers are not related to the hospital costs and are handled by the providers individually. You should anticipate accounts from the surgeon, anaesthetist and – if applicable – accounts for pharmacy, pathology, radiology, your paediatrician, surgical assistant and consultant.
If you are covered by an embassy or an overseas insurer, an approval or letter of guarantee is required prior to admission and must have an Australian office contact number.
If this is not supplied or provided prior/during your admission you may be liable to cover the costs provided before discharge.
Once we receive a request for your admission from your doctor, a formal estimate will be created based on the information they provide and an informed financial consent will be sent to you (generally six weeks prior to admission).
An expression of interest form for the deluxe suites will be included. If you are interested, please fill out the form and send it back to the hospital.
The deluxe suites are based on arrival/admission. If the suites are occupied on arrival, you will be placed on the waiting list which will be worked through accordingly.
Please note costs associated with the deluxe suites are an out-of-pocket expense and are not covered by private health funds.
Unfortunately not. Due to the maternity environment we have admissions 24/7 and we cannot reserve the deluxe suites for a future date.
You will receive a phone call the business day before your caesarean section date. We will let you know what time your caesarean section has been booked for, what time to arrive to the hospital for your admission and also your fasting details.
You can anticipate a phone call from one of the midwives 1-2 days before your planned caesarean section for a pre-admission phone call.