Calvary celebrates a collective 200 years of dedicated service

Photo courtesy of the Shepparton Advisor.
Judy was one of 12 current and recently retired aged care and disability support workers, maintenance officers, administrative staff and managers recognised for their dedication and service at a special celebration at Calvary Home Care’s Shepparton Service Centre on Thursday, 31 October 2024.
Collectively, the group celebrated almost 200 years of dedicated service, care, and achievement.
“I’ve really enjoyed my work, it’s very rewarding,” said Judy who is retiring at the end of the year.
“I enjoy helping people and helping to keep them in their own homes, and they appreciate the help we give.”
She looks back and sees that things have come full circle in her career.
“When I moved here, a neighbour’s mother was helping to look after three children. I offered to help look after one of the children who had a disability. My neighbour kept suggesting I work for the local support provider, which later became Calvary.
“That’s how I got started. Now things have come full circle and I am looking after that boy’s grandmother.
“I’m very lucky – all my clients have been beautiful. If I can make them happy, then I’m happy.”
Recognition of staff achievement and service are held at this time of year nationally across Calvary Health Care residential aged care homes, home care, hospitals, and support offices, to coincide with commemorating Calvary’s founders, the Venerable Mary Potter and the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, whose mission was to care for the vulnerable in our communities.
Service Manager Scott Bohun said the event, the service’s biggest such celebration since Covid-19, was a great opportunity to recognise the dedication and hard work of the local team, especially those reaching their 25, 20, 15, 10, and five-year service milestones.
It was also a chance to celebrate the achievement of four local newcomers to the team, who received their Certificate III in Individual Support after completing a year of study and on-the-job learning as part of their traineeships.
“I’m really proud of all the team. They do an amazing job to provide quality, compassionate care and support that helps vulnerable people in our community maintain their independence and quality of life and remain living in their homes,” Mr Bohun said.
“We have about 120 support workers and 16 office team members that support 1300 clients with a wide range of needs in the Greater Shepparton area – from Echuca to Yarrawonga, Nathalia down to Seymour, and, in recent years over to Benalla.
“It doesn’t matter whether the team is providing domestic assistance, personal care, social support, or respite care, whether they’re doing the shopping, helping with garden and home maintenance, or doing home modifications, they do it with pride and compassion.”
Milestone service recipients this year include:
25 years – Judy Emmett, support worker;
20 years – Donna Griffiths, intake officer; Diana Arnold, support worker advisor;
15 years – Jacalyn White, disability support worker;
10 years – Sarah Thorne, client service coordinator; Val Gollashaj, support worker;
5 years - Kristy Stopps and Paz Willcox (support workers)
Several long-service staff who retired in recent years were also attending the celebrations including former support workers Joy Norman (23 years), and Marilyn De Silva (11 years).