Calvary Health Care Bethlehem
Services and clinics
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem in Caulfield South is recognised as a leader in its two areas of expertise; as a Statewide provider for those with progressive neurological disease (such as motor neurone disease and Huntington's’ disease) and as a specialist palliative care service.
Known for our innovative model of care, our interdisciplinary teams work in collaboration with the patients GP, community health, aged, disability and other health services, to ensure that care is easily accessible and coordinated across our inpatient services, centre-based clinics, day centre and at home.
On referral we will work closely with you to determine the best place for your assessment and care.
Specialist services
The Statewide Progressive Neurological Disease (PND) Service at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem offers a range of multidisciplinary assessment and management services for people with a diagnosed PND.
These include but are not limited to: Huntington’s disease, motor neurone disease (MND), multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, multiple system atrophy, Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, spinocerebellar ataxias and others.
The multidisciplinary team includes:
Medical specialists: neurologists, neuro-psychiatrists, respiratory physicians, palliative care physicians
Allied health: physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, dietitians, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, social workers and music therapists
Specialist neurological nurses
Pastoral care workers
Researchers (research coordinators and research nurses)
We also work closely with other health professionals and service providers including community based organisations such as MND Vic, HD Vic, MS Australia, MD Association and Parkinson’s Victoria.
With consent we share information with other health professionals ensuring that we are planning and delivering health care services together.
Clinic visits can also be supplemented by telehealth and video-conferencing, when people live at a distance or are unable to travel to clinic.
Our team also provides secondary consultation, education, and training to health professionals across the state, to support care closer to home.
The Statewide PND service is committed to research and is actively involved in a number of national and international research projects and trials. (Please contact the service for further details)
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem we use a team approach to address the needs of patients and families. Our care is coordinated with other services and is focused on the whole individual. We help patients to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.
We provide support to family and friends during the course of the patient’s illness and in their period of grief and loss.
We understand that illness affects the whole person – physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually
We try to relieve pain and other signs of distress
We respect your freedom and choice
We support carers family and friends
We offer support to families after a patient dies
To be eligible to receive support from our Community Palliative Care Service (CPCS), a patient must live in the city of Bayside, Port Phillip, Glen Eira, Stonnington or Kingston. Please note that we only cover parts of these municipalities. To check if your address is covered by CPCS, please call 03 9834 9423 or 9834 9426.
We also provide patient support with tele-health consultations, practitioner education and training, a palliative clinic as well as a Day Centre providing diversional therapy for Community Palliative patients.
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem has 32 inpatient beds for patient assessment, symptom management respite or end of life care.
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem our friendly team will do everything they can to give you the best possible care.
At every stage of your treatment, we’ll make sure you fully understand what’s happening, why it’s happening, and what will happen next.
To help prepare for you and your family for admission, we have produced a guide for patients and visitors. You can download it below:
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is a registered NDIS service located in the bayside suburb of Parkdale that supports people with progressive neurological diseases to live well and achieve their goals.
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is a not-for-profit health service that provides specialist palliative care and a Statewide Progressive Neurological Service and we are also a registered NDIS Provider.
We have over 30 years’ experience and expertise working with people with less common progressive neurological conditions, including, but not limited to, Motor Neurone Disease and Huntington’s Disease and we are passionate about the work we do.
We are here to help patients and their families to navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to ensure you receive appropriate supports to enable you to achieve your goals.
We are here to help if you need:
Assessment and selection of aids and equipment (Assistive Technology)
Assessment for home or vehicle passenger modifications
Assessment for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)
Swallowing, diet and home enteral nutrition (HEN) support
Support with communication
Specialist Behavioural support
Music therapy
Counselling related to your disability
Training in the use of Assistive Technology and other new skills
Family and carer education and training
The Commonwealth Home Support Programme is a commonwealth funded aged care service that provides small amounts of entry-level support for assist older people aged 65 and over (50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples) to remain living and home and in their community. See here for more information about CHSP.
The Charter of Aged Care Rights outlines your legislated rights as a consumer of a government-subsidised aged care service. These rights apply to all consumers, regardless of the type of care and services they receive.
Aged Care Services are provided in accordance with the Aged Care Quality Standards. See here for an Overview for Consumers [3min video]
If you would like help navigating the aged care system and advice about how to access aged care services, Services Australia has dedicated aged care specialist officers who can help. To find out more or to make an appointment click here.
Our CHSP services
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is funded to provide:
Please see our fact sheets for more information.
Our CHSP services are available to people living in Melbourne South East local government areas of Bayside, Casey, Glen Eira, Greater Dandenong, Kingston, Port Phillip, Stonington, Cardinia, Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.
Please see our My Aged Care profile for more information on our flexible respite, and specialist support services.
How to access this service
Access to our Respite and Specialist Support Services is via My Aged Care.
If you have not had a My Aged Care assessment call 1800 200 422 (free call) or apply online.
If you already receive in-home aged care services, request a review by speaking with your current provider contacting My Aged Care on the contact details above or visit the website for more information.
If you need help accessing our CHCP respite & specialist support services, please call us on 03 9834 9000 and ask to speak with our CHSP coordinator.
Provide your service feedback
We welcome your feedback about our CHSP services. Please contact:
Our CHSP coordinator or Quality & Safe Systems Manager on 03 9834 9000
Complete an online feedback form
You can also make a complaint directly with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission by telephone 1800 951 822 or online.
Care and support services
At Calvary, we care about your physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
These support services are available to our patients as part of our holistic care.
Grief is a normal and natural response to losing someone significant in our lives. At Calvary we find many people benefit from speaking to a Specialist Bereavement Counsellor.
Our qualified, professional Counsellors provide support in a non-judgemental, safe and empathic environment so you can discuss any emotional and/or physical reactions you’re currently experiencing.
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem’s free Bereavement Counselling Service is available to family and friends of patients who have died whilst receiving our services.
To help you at different times of your journey through grief, Calvary has put together the Healing After Loss booklet.
Online Bereavement Support group
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem’s Online Bereavement Support group is a free 7 week online program for people who have cared for someone who died in the last 12 months. Sessions are facilitated by our experienced bereavement counsellors, social workers and pastoral carers. To find out more about the next group and to register your interest, please click here
How to access this service
You and your family will receive information about our bereavement service during your admission.
8.30am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday
Family violence is a health issue that affects many people across the lifespan.
Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is committed to providing high quality care, support, information and referrals to our patients, their carers and family members who are experiencing family violence.
Every year our interdisciplinary teams collaborate together to develop our assistive technology resources to improve patient quality of life. Recent significant updates include mounting updated eye gaze systems, communication options and environmental control units to patients’ wheelchairs. New scanning devices have also been purchased to enable patients to drive wheelchairs and control other devices by hitting a single switch when hand movements are impaired. Switch control options have improved patients ability to use mainstream technology such as iPADs, smart phones and android tablets. Access to these devices on wheelchairs allows patients greater choices and control over how they communicate, move, work and relax.
Management and therapists undertake on-going training and skill development in assistive technology. Collaborations with external agencies enhance our allied health service delivery. CHCB is conducting Integrated Technology Clinics which allow therapists from different specialities to work together with the patient to maximize their independence by integrating multiple technology devices into streamlined systems.
We are further enhancing our patient experience by building a ‘pool’ of adapted technology loan items which can be hired by CHCB patients for use within their homes. This initiative is proving to be invaluable for patients as there are often significant delays between applying for and receiving funding for assistive equipment through government schemes.
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem our specialist dietitians advise on the nutritional needs of those living with chronic progressive life limiting conditions and the unique approach required throughout each individual’s experience.
Dietitians conduct detailed individual nutrition assessments and provide dietary education and practical support to help optimise your nutrition. They work with you and your supports to develop meal plans that incorporate best practice for your condition without unnecessarily compromising your quality of life.
They take into consideration other medical conditions that may impact your nutrition management, as well as social and cultural beliefs. They are ideally suited to help you evaluate the diet advice you find online or receive elsewhere.
Working with you, they will help you make the best choices about your nutritional needs, including the use of supplements, and, whether you should consider alternatives like tube feeding.
At CHCB Dietitians work closely with speech pathology and food services to ensure a suitable, varied, nutritious inpatient menu.
How to access this service
Referral required: Please call 03 9834 9371
8.30am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday
Music Therapy at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem is one of the most established in Australia, providing specialised clinical programs across all our service areas. Our therapists are highly trained and are involved in an ongoing music therapy education program that keeps them abreast of the latest research in the field.
As well as providing therapy at the bedside, our music therapists create musical plans with patients aimed at enriching their lives. The Music Therapy Program can include performing music, relaxation, music assisted counselling and song writing.
How to access this service
476 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
8.30am – 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday
Occupational therapy helps people take part in everyday activities.
Occupational therapists help to modify your environment, provide adaptive equipment and explore different ways to complete activities.
Occupational therapy is client-centred and can help in all areas of an individual’s life. Occupational therapists (OTs) help with overcoming challenges that affect a person’s emotional, social, and physical needs. The OTs at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem provide services via the inpatient ward, NDIS service, Commonwealth Home support program (CHSP), Community Palliative Care Service (CPCS) and the State-wide progressive Neurological Diseases Service (SPNDS). Bethlehem OTs have a particular interest in assisting people diagnosed with palliative or Neuro-palliative conditions. OTs at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem also have a keen interest and skill in some specialist areas such as Electronic Assistive Technology. The OT department at Bethlehem hospital is well resourced with trial and demonstration aids and equipment.
Occupational therapy services can be provided as a part of your service depending on funding source referral.
How to access this service
Referral not required. Occupational therapy services will be provided as a part of your care team.
8.30am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem we offer compassionate emotional support and spiritual care for you, your family and friends. Our pastoral care service acknowledges your beliefs, important relationships and all that is meaningful for you. It affirms your intrinsic value as a person.
Pastoral care can help if you are:
Emotionally distressed
Struggling with a sense of purpose or meaning
Experiencing a time of crisis
Feeling lonely or isolated
Grieving a loss
Making important decisions
Needing support with your religious/spiritual practice
Wishing to contact a priest or minister of religion
Preparing for death
Our Pastoral care team is available to our clients and their families in inpatient, outpatient and home care.
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem we have an in-hospital pharmacy. Our pharmacy stocks a large range of medications. In some cases we also provide more specialised and investigational medications (medicines that are being studied but not yet approved).
The pharmacy at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem only provides medications for hospital patients. We do not offer a prescription service to the public.
Please note: It’s important that patients bring their current medications and prescriptions when they are admitted to hospital.
How to access this service
476 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
8.30am – 5 pm, Monday to Friday
Physiotherapists assess and develop programs to improve a patient’s strength, mobility, movement and function. Our team offer advice on personal mobility and safety in both individual and group sessions.
Physiotherapists at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem understand your desire to stay independent and will work with you to help optimise your personal mobility, movement, safety and function. Sometimes they may recommend you use walking aids and wheelchairs, or do special exercises.
Physiotherapists can also support and teach carers how to assist with mobility and transfers. In addition to this, they may help you to manage symptoms, such as fatigue, breathlessness and pain. They can also help to improve your comfort, posture and positioning and may suggest special aids and equipment for assistance as needed.
The physiotherapists at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem provide services via the inpatient ward, NDIS service, Commonwealth Home support program (CHSP), Community Palliative Care Service (CPCS) and the State-wide Progressive Neurological Diseases Service (SPNDS). You may be seen in your room at the hospital, in the physiotherapy gym or in your home, depending on your needs. Furthermore, our physiotherapists also run exercises groups in the gym at Calvary Health Care Bethlehem.
How to access this service
Referral not required. Physiotherapy services will be provided as a part of your care team.
Secondary consultation: Phone support is available without referral
476 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
8.30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
Our psychology team includes neuropsychology and clinical psychology. All our psychologists have a particular interest in, and extensive experience working with, people with chronic progressive life limiting conditions
Neuropsychology is the study of the behavioural expression of brain function. Neuropsychologists have skills in the assessment, diagnosis and non-pharmacological treatment of a range of disorders that impact brain function.
Using neuropsychological assessment methods, thinking processes (including memory, learning, planning, reasoning, language and perception) are assessed. Changes to behaviour are also examined. The person’s emotional and psychological reaction to their condition is also evaluated.
Services include:
Assess thinking, memory and behavioural changes
Diagnose a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders
Assess ability to make decisions about finances, medical treatment and lifestyle issues
Monitor progression of a condition or effectiveness of a treatment
Identify strengths and weaknesses which is used to design treatment strategies
Address behaviours of concern through behaviour management
Assist in treatment/management planning with the patient, family and staff
Our team will work with you to plan for the respite care you require. Respite care is provided as;
nursing support for a patient when coming home from hospital
short term nursing care in or outside the home
a support service for carers. It provides time away from their carer role confident that their loved one is being looked after.
Calvary Home Care
Where appropriate, we may refer you to our Calvary Home Care services. Calvary Home Care provides a range of respite options available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Services can be delivered in the home or a support worker can accompany the family member while the carer takes a break.
Social work involves working with patients to help them achieve goals and ensure safe discharge from hospital back into the community. Social work is carried out in collaboration with patients and families as well as doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals.
Patients may have spent a long time in hospital and it’s important to:
Access services that may not previously have been required
Make difficult decisions regarding health care
Confirm future plans
At Calvary Health Care Bethlehem, social workers help patients with:
Aged care placements
Adjusting to illness
Coordinating family meetings
Discharge planning
Information and education
Short term counselling
Transport options
How to access this service
Social work services will be provided as a part of your care team if required.
476 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
8.30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
Speech pathologists diagnose and manage speech, swallowing and communication impairment.
Speech pathologists help with speech/voice changes, working together with you, to keep speech as good as possible. If thinking/memory changes affect communication they will find strategies to help, making sure you and yours understand what is happening. If speaking is too hard, they will help find a different way to communicate.
The muscles used for speech are also used for swallowing. Our speech pathologists understand food/drink is an important social part of life, and will help find ways to keep you enjoying food/drink. Complex swallowing changes can make your mouth too dry or wet, or result in frequent throat clearing. Speech pathologists can find ways to make these symptoms better.
Specialist services available to non-Calvary Health Care Bethlehem patients include; free telephone consultancy, fee for service – face to face support/education and specialist Videofluoroscopy.
The Speech pathology department is also currently trialling an innovative “Photovoice” program that enables patients to communicate and socialise through the use of photography and technology. The program, one of the few of its kind in health in the world, is still in its infancy and requires funding to train project clinicians to deliver the program but those that have trialled it have been unanimous in its praise.
Below is a transcript of an interview with Huntington’s patient Scott and his mother Wendy who have been delighted with the positive impact the program has had on Scott’s quality of life.
What to expect
When you visit the Calvary Health Care Bethlehem Speech pathology unit you’ll first be assessed. An individual treatment plan will then be created, and your sessions can take place in your hospital room, our pathology unit or at home.
Education and support is provided to you and your family members throughout the treatment process. Interpreter services are available on request.
How to access this service
Referral required. Speech pathology services will be provided as a part of your care team if required. Call 03 9834 9400.
Secondary consultation: Phone support is available without referral
Services are provided at 476 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South VIC 3162
8.30 am – 5pm, Monday to Friday