Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

49 Augusta Road, Lenah Valley TAS 7008

Cardiac centre - 03 6279 5700

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Cardiac centre

Cardiology is the study and treatment of heart disorders. It involves treating all areas related to the heart and arteries, including tests, angioplasty and heart surgery.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we provide an extensive range of specialised medical and surgical services. Our cardiac centre combines best practice and the most advanced technology to investigate and manage heart and vascular system disorders.

Our qualified and experienced cardiac team uses specialist treatments supported by the latest in medical technology.

Cardiology services

The cardiology services at Calvary Lenah Valley include:

  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring

  • Ambulatory holter monitoring

  • Cardiovascular angiography unit

  • Transthoracic echocardiography

  • Coronary care unit

  • Electrocardiogram test

  • Exercise stress echocardiogram

  • Exercise tolerance test

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Cardiovascular angiography unit

The Calvary Lenah Valley cardiovascular angiography unit handles both angiograms and angioplasty.


These tests performed by our team of cardiologists.

They provide detailed images of the coronary structure, and help our team deliver a faster and more accurate diagnosis.

Angiograms are performed as part of the treatment for heart disease and heart attacks, and are carried out in our cardiac catheter laboratory.


This procedure is used to treat blocked arteries.

A catheter with a small balloon on the end is placed into the blocked area. The balloon is then inflated to open the blocked vessel. A stent (a small metal device that acts like a scaffold) is then used to hold the artery open.

How to access this service

  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Cardiac Centre, Lower Ground Floor, Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

  • Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm

  • Call 03 62785415 or 03 6228 0300 | Fax 03 6278 9221