Consumer and Community Engagement Framework
Calvary Mater Newcastle is committed to meaningful and effective engagement with our consumers and the community, as highlighted in our second Consumer and Community Engagement Framework (2023-2028). It is only by involving the people we serve, will we truly be able to provide responsive, high quality services that reflect the individual and collective needs of the diverse community who use them. As a result we can improve our community’s health outcomes by providing services that are reflective of every person’s individual needs and those of the wider community.
Our second Framework builds upon and extends on the work that we have undertaken in partnership with the diverse communities that we serve. The Framework underpins all of the work that we have methodically and meticulously carried out over the past few years in building a robust foundation for our consumer and community engagement.
It provides a solid structure which further embeds continuous and meaningful engagement and expands the scope of our engagement activities by providing additional systems and infrastructure, and further builds our workforce’s knowledge and capacity.
Download the full framework

New members are always welcome
Join our Consumer Register
Patients, families, carers, visitors, and members of the community, play an important role in improving the quality of care provided by Calvary Mater Newcastle. Your input, ideas and feedback are invaluable to us.
Our Consumer Register is a group of present and past patients, family members and community members who have expressed an interest in engaging with Calvary Mater Newcastle on a variety of activities to ensure consumer feedback and opinions are represented within hospital activities and services.
You decide how you participate in the Calvary Mater Newcastle Consumer Register, depending on your interests and the amount of time you have available. Commitment levels vary depending on the role and your availability. It is entirely flexible and dependent on the individual. Participation is voluntary; you can accept or decline any offer made by the hospital to participate and you can ask to be removed from the Consumer Register at any time.
Members can take on a range of roles; these include but are not limited to:
Being involved in the development and review of patient information (brochures, leaflets, fact sheets, etc)
Participating in surveys, focus groups or community consultations
Sharing your stories and experiences of health care
Surveying patients and families about their experience using our services
Joining a hospital working party, reference group or committee
Participating in staff training and education
Partnering with Calvary Mater Newcastle to formulate solutions and implement recommendations related to service improvement
Participating as a consumer on staff interview panels
Depending on your involvement there may be some pre-requisites prior to participation, such as an interview. This will be clearly indicated when the opportunities are advertised to members of our register.
When people are involved in decisions about their own health care and our services, we achieve better health outcomes and can create better health services. Evidence shows that the involvement of consumers is more likely to result in services that are more accessible and appropriate for users.
With the help of consumers we can:
Learn about your experiences and expectations
Help us understand how well we are doing and where we can improve
Gain input and advice from those that use or could use our services
Ensure the information delivered by our health care professional meets your needs
Gain expertise and advice from others on ways we can improve our services
All community members who use or could potentially use services at Calvary Mater Newcastle can apply to join the register. This includes:
Family members or friends
Community members from within the local health district
To join the Calvary Mater Newcastle Consumer Register, you must:
Be 18 years of age or older
Have direct or indirect experience of using services at Calvary Mater Newcastle
Have a passion for health care
Be willing to contribute constructively towards improving the quality of care provided by Calvary Mater Newcastle
Be willing to contribute on a voluntary basis
Be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement
Please note, staff employed by Calvary Mater Newcastle are not eligible to join.
Read our ‘Join our Consumer Register’ brochure.
Download and complete an application form and mail to:
Public Relations Department, Calvary Mater Newcastle, Locked Mail Bag 7, Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310
For more information about the Consumer Register you can:
Call: (02) 4014 4733 / (02) 4014 4714
Email: [email protected]
Community Advisory Council
The Community Advisory Council Group assists the General Manager with, and provides advice on, community and stakeholder engagement. Through this group local consumers and communities can help us to make the best decisions when it comes to planning our services.
Representatives are drawn from a broad cross section of the community and meet with Calvary Mater Newcastle executives on a regular basis.
Consumer representatives
Robert Russell (Chairperson)
Teresa Brierley
Susan Russell
Steven Tipper
Aron Hidru
Andrew Smith
Calvary representatives
Luke Sams NSW Regional Chief Executive Officer, Calvary
Roz Everingham General Manager, Calvary Mater Newcastle
Petula Steele Director of Finance and Corporate Services, Calvary Mater Newcastle
Kellie Goldsworthy Director of Mission Integration, Calvary Mater Newcastle
Helen Ellis Public Affairs and Communications Manager, Calvary Mater Newcastle
You said. We did.
Calvary Mater Newcastle welcomes your feedback so we can better understand what is working well and/or how we can improve our services.
You may wish to tell us your views and opinions on how we can better meet your needs, make a suggestion on how we can improve our hospital environment, how we can better meet your cultural needs or tell us what matters to you when being treated or visiting Calvary Mater Newcastle.
You can find out what we have done in response to some of your feedback by looking for updates on the ‘You Said. We Did.’ display located on level 3, along the main hospital foyer.