Donations, fundraising and bequests
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Donations, no matter the financial value, are always appreciated by the hospital because they enable us to purchase equipment and help us continue to enhance our provision of comfort and care for the benefit of our patients. You can also play an important role in shaping the future by making a donation to the hospital’s research.
Please note, you can specify exactly where you wish your donation to go to at Calvary Mater Newcastle.
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

How you can make a donation
In person
If you would like to deliver your donation in person, then please visit the hospital’s Cashier, located next door to the Information Desk in the main foyer.
Cheques are made payable to ‘Calvary Mater Newcastle’.
Online donations
We are currently upgrading our online donations platform to provide a more enjoyable, user-friendly giving experience.
For more information on how to donate or to learn more about our work, contact our team on:
T: 02 4014 4714 or 02 4014 4712
Luncheon, raffles and golf tournaments are just some of the fundraising events our supporters have hosted in aid of Calvary Mater Newcastle.
If you would like to hold a fundraising event in aid of our hospital, please complete and submit our Fundraising Form below.
If you require further guidance on the donation and fundraising process, please call the Public Relations Department on:
T: 02 4014 4714 or 02 4014 4712.
Gifts and bequests
Many of our supporters choose to leave a gift or bequest to us in their Will. Areas of benefit include:
general medicine
palliative care
You can nominate to assist in the general provision of our services or your bequest can be directed towards a specific unit, project or type of service. Your contribution can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate.
No matter what you decide, by leaving a legacy to Calvary Mater Newcastle you will be helping to ensure that future generations will benefit from the very best the hospital has to offer.
How to make a bequest
To assist in the preparation of a bequest may we advise the following wording:
I (name), give ($amount) free of all duties and testamentary expense to Calvary Mater Newcastle for the purpose of patient care/service development, and I direct that the receipt of the General Manager shall be sufficient discharge of my executors for this bequest.
If you would like more information about how best your intended bequest could be used, please do not hesitate to contact the General Manager on 02 4014 4700.
Calvary Mater Newcastle Auxiliary
Calvary Mater Newcastle has a thriving and dedicated hospital Auxiliary that fundraise throughout the year on behalf of the hospital.

Our Auxiliary members find every means to raise much needed funds for Calvary Mater Newcastle. All monies raised enable the group to purchase items of comfort and care for patients of the hospital, as well as much needed equipment.
Lolly and craft tables
Celebration luncheons
Coach trips
Fashion parades
Bowling days
Auxiliary members can be seen throughout the working week manning the lolly and craft tables located on both level 2 and 3 of the hospital.
How you can help
If you are interested in joining the group or would like to donate items of craft, please speak to one of the friendly members of the Auxiliary team manning the stalls or contact the hospital’s Public Relations department on:
T: 02 4014 4714 or 02 4014 4712.