Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

49 Augusta Road, Lenah Valley TAS 7008

03 6278 5333

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Services and clinics

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we offer a high standard of patient care to the communities of Hobart, as well as a comprehensive range of health services.

Clinics, surgery and specialist centres

Calvary reinvests in a range of specialty service centres to meet the needs of our local communities.

For medical emergencies, please call 000 for ambulance assistance.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital our private accident and emergency department is open at this time from Monday mornings at 7.30am through to Friday afternoons at 5.30pm.

Medical emergencies are situations that you believe may be life threatening, or are causing you pain or some other form of anxiety. We appreciate that medical problems and unexpected events occur anytime and it may not be possible for you to access your usual care and treatment.

Anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms should attend the emergency department immediately:

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Chest pain

  • Major accident

  • Sudden collapse

  • Uncontrollable bleeding

The cardiac centre at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital delivers comprehensive cardiology management services to our community in Hobart, including both patients admitted to Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital and those attending the emergency department.

Our dedicated cardiac care unit features specialists across all cardiac disciplines, including cardiac intervention, cardiac imaging, pacing, and ablation.

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Cardiac Centre, Lower Ground Floor, Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

  • Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm

  • Call 03 6279 5700 or 03 6279 5701 | Fax 03 6278 9221

  • Email cardiac centre team

Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital is the only private hospital offering cardiothoracic surgery in Hobart.

Our services include:
  • Coronary artery bypass grafts

  • Aortic valve replacements

  • Mitral valve replacements

  • Atrial septal defects

  • CABG

  • Aortic aneurysm surgery

  • Valve repairs and replacements

  • Adult congenital cardiac surgery

  • Redo-cardiac surgery

  • Cardiac tumors resections

  • Pacemakers/AICD implantations and removals

  • along with emergency procedures including aortic dissections and trauma.

  • Minimally invasive cardiac surgery procedures through Hemi-sternotomy and mini-thoracotomy in selected and suitable patients.

  • We provide a range of thoracic surgical procedures with a vast majority performed via a VATS approach including lobectomy, segmentectomy and mediastinal tumour resections.

Our team of surgeons and intensivists have long established relationships working together as a team in the public hospital environment, and are proud to extend their excellence in care to support private patients in Hobart.

Contact details

The critical care unit (CCU), also known as the intensive care unit provides special care and monitoring for patients with serious medical and surgical conditions.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital our team of medical and nursing staff provides care for acutely ill patients undergoing major surgery such as cardiac and neurosurgical procedures, as well as non-surgical patients requiring high acuity care. Our state-of-the-art intensive care facility is supported 24/7 by specialists offering a high level of medical care for critically ill patients.

Intensive care services at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital cover:

  • Cardiothoracic surgery

  • Coronary care

  • Neurosurgery

  • Gastro intestinal care

  • High dependency

  • Orthopaedic care

  • Vascular care

How to access this service
  • Referral by hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, Ground Floor

  • 24/7

  • 03 6278 5378

Specialised health care for adults with intellectual disabilities (SHAID)

The SHAID clinic at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital provides out-patient services for adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities.

The clinic provides support for adults with any form of intellectual disability including older people with intellectual disability, those with Cerebral Palsy, or Down Syndrome, or any other type of syndrome, or unknown cause, and young adults previously cared for in children’s health services.

To attend the clinic a patient needs other specialist or general practitioner referral; non-rebatable fee may be charged for late cancellations; extra letters and forms over and above standard letters may incur a charge. The SHAID clinic does not provide inpatient hospital care, does not provide acute medical care and does not provide any psychiatric services; it provides care for chronic physical health conditions of patients.

The SHAID Clinic is one of Calvary Hobart’s community benefit programs:

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Medical Group, Gleeson House – Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment

  • Call 03 6278 5456 | Fax 03 6278 5233

Calvary’s Gleeson House at the Lenah Valley campus hosts a range of physicians providing outpatient specialist medical care.

  • Internal medicine

  • Respiratory medicine

  • Perioperative

  • Gastrointestinal medicine

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Medical Group, Gleeson House – Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

  • Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment

  • Call Ella Smith 03 6278 5456 | Fax 03 6278 5233

Pregnancy is an exciting time for you and your family. Calvary Lenah Valley is committed to meeting your family’s individual needs during your pregnancy, birth and parenting journey.

Since our first baby was born in 1941, Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital has provided mother and baby centred services in our maternity unit. We are proud of our reputation for providing high-quality obstetric services in a warm and caring environment.

Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital is one of the best equipped maternity units in Tasmania with a level 2 special care nursery, and 24 hour onsite doctor giving you peace of mind that you and your baby will have the very best care.

Our dedicated obstetricians, paediatricians, midwives and allied health teams are here to support all aspects of your care.

At Calvary Lenah Valley our dedicated team of orthopaedic surgeons, nurses and allied health teams are here to support all aspects of your care.

To make your recovery as smooth as possible we invite you to watch the following videos to explore your upcoming joint replacement surgery.

Video resources

To make your recovery as smooth as possible we invite you to watch the following videos to explore your upcoming joint replacement surgery.

The Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital pre-admission clinic is a free service, which provides patients with information and support. Our goal is to better understand your needs and ensure you have a positive stay with us. Appointments may be face to face at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital or via phone depending on your circumstances or planned surgery.

How it works

One of our registered nurses will contact you approximately one to two weeks prior to your admission to hospital to:

  • Discuss your care before and after surgery

  • Check your health history and complete other admission paperwork

  • Provide you with any necessary pre-operative instructions

  • Check you have had any tests ordered by your doctor

  • Commence discharge planning to help plan for your return home

  • Answer any questions you may have

How to access this service
  • Referral not required

  • Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, Ground Floor

  • Monday to Friday, 8am – 4.30pm

  • 03 6278 5025

Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital undertakes planned (elective) and unplanned (emergency) surgical procedures.

Many surgical procedures are now undertaken in a day surgery setting, meaning patients are admitted and discharged in a single day.

Surgeries offered at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital include:

  • Cardiac angiography and interventional procedures

  • Breast surgery

  • Cardiothoracic surgery

  • General surgery

  • Neuro-spinal surgery

  • Obstetric and gynecological surgery

  • Orthopaedic surgery

  • Pain management intervention surgery

  • Colorectal surgery

  • Urosurgery

  • Vascular surgery

Care and support services

At Calvary, we care about your physical, spiritual and emotional needs. These support services are available to our patients as part of our holistic care.

Grief is a normal and natural response to losing someone significant in our lives. At Calvary we find many people benefit from speaking to a pastoral carer about bereavement.

Our qualified, professional pastoral carer’s provide support in a non-judgmental, safe and empathic environment so you can discuss any emotional and/or physical reactions you’re currently experiencing.

Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital’s free pastoral care service is available to family and friends of patients who have passed away.

How to access this service
  • Referral not required

  • This service is available in all areas of Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

If you would like a visit from pastoral care, please ask a staff member or volunteer.

The nutrition and dietetics service at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital is staffed by accredited practising dietitians, who aim to provide nutrition assessments, counselling, therapeutic diets and nutrition support to optimise the nutrition status of clients during their hospital admission.

The dietitian can assist with the following issues during your admission:

  • Unintentional weight loss

  • Poor appetite

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Gastrointestinal tract issues

  • Oral nutrition support

  • Enteral and parenteral nutrition support

  • Nutrition education

  • Newly diagnosed diabetes

The nutrition and dietetics service works closely and collaboratively with the food service team to ensure the nutritional needs and any particular dietary specifications of our clients are met.

How to access this service
  • Referral by consultants, resident medical officers, allied health staff, nursing staff and food service staff

  • Monday and Thursday, 8.30am – 4.30pm

  • 03 6278 5586

At Calvary, we can help with the practical arrangements involved in returning home from hospital. We can also support you during your recovery.

Calvary Home Care test test

Calvary Home Care’s Hospital to Home Service can be provided under a government subsidised support package (if you’re eligible), delivered on a private basis, or as a combination of the two.

Calvary Home Care can help with everyday tasks to help you recover safely and quickly. It is also useful to consider Home Care services if you have carer, who may not be able to safely move or bathe you; may need a break; or may need time away from home to do other things.

Calvary Home Care Services include:

  • Transport to and from hospital appointments and for everyday tasks

  • Cooking and grocery shopping

  • Dressing and showering

  • Cleaning and household maintenance

  • Respite care

Occupational therapy helps people take part in everyday activities. Occupational therapists help to modify your environment, provide adaptive equipment and explore different ways to complete activities.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital our occupational therapist works as part of a multi-disciplinary team helping with a wide range of conditions including:

  • Palliative care

  • Pre and Post-orthopaedic surgery

  • Recovery from trauma

  • Geriatric medical care

  • Cognitive assessment

  • Acute stroke care

Our Occupational therapist is focussed on helping you maintain your independence and safety to help you to return home by looking at your home and working with you and your family to find the right equipment and suggest any modifications to make life easier.

Occupational therapists can also organise for minor work to be completed and can give you access to any necessary equipment. This equipment may be trialled, borrowed and/or purchased.

How to access this service
  • Referral by ward staff and medical staff

  • Monday to Wednesday, 8.30am – 5pm

  • 03 6278 5586

Palliative care focuses on supporting patients who have life limiting illness who need support or reaching the end of their life. We support people of all ages with a wide range of conditions, such as chronic diseases, cancers and degenerative illnesses.

Our multidisciplinary team assist patients and their family to achieve dignity, comfort and maximum quality of life.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we do this through:

  • Providing a holistic approach to care using a multidisciplinary team

  • Providing relief from pain and other distressing symptoms

  • Integrating the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care

  • Supporting patients and families in their decision making

  • Building relationships between patients, families and the healthcare team

  • Providing support to allow you to be cared for throughout your illness and die in comfort in the place of your choosing.

How to access this service

We offer compassionate emotional support and spiritual care for you, your family and friends. Our pastoral care service acknowledges your beliefs, important relationships and all that is meaningful for you. It affirms your intrinsic value as a person.

Pastoral care can help if you are:

  • Emotionally distressed

  • Struggling with a sense of purpose or meaning

  • Experiencing a time of crisis

  • Feeling lonely or isolated

  • Grieving a loss

  • Making important decisions

  • Needing support with your religious/spiritual practice

  • Wishing to contact a priest or minister of religion

  • Preparing for death

How to access this service
  • Referral not required

If you would like a visit from pastoral care during your stay, please ask a staff member.

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we have an in-hospital pharmacy, managed by HPS Pharmacies.

Our Pharmacy stocks a large range of medications. In some cases we also provide more specialised and investigational medications (medicines that are being studied but not yet approved).

The Pharmacy at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital only provides medications for consulting room and hospital patients. We do not offer a prescription service to the public.

Please note: It’s important that patients bring their current medications and prescriptions when they are admitted to hospital.

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Gleeson House, 49 Augusta Rd, Lenah Valley

  • Mon to Fri, 8.30am – 5.30pm, Sat 9.00am – 12.00pm, Sun 9.00am – 12.00pm

  • 03 6286 8900

Physiotherapists work with patients to deliver the most suitable treatment for an injury or condition to gain as much movement and physical independence as possible, so they can resume their normal lifestyle.

Our physiotherapy team can help with:

  • Transferring in/out of bed and walking around

  • Organising equipment such as walking aids, splints and collars

  • Chest treatment to assist recovery and prevent complications following illness or surgery

  • Developing exercise programs to help built strength, endurance and improve mobility.

  • Ongoing patient and carer education for discharge.

  • Referral to community providers

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital physiotherapy is provided to:

  • Women’s health and maternity patients

  • Pre-admission clinic

  • Day surgery

  • Accident and emergency

  • Critical care unit

  • Orthopaedic, surgical, neurosurgical and medical patients

How to access this service
  • Referral not required

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm

  • 03 6278 5586

Our team will work with you to plan for the respite care you require. Respite care is provided as;

  • nursing support for a patient when coming home from hospital

  • short term nursing care in or outside the home

  • a support service for carers. It provides time away from their carer role confident that their loved one is being looked after.

Calvary Home Care

Where appropriate, we may refer you to our Calvary Home Care services. Calvary Home Care provides a range of respite options available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Services can be delivered in the home or a support worker can accompany the family member while the carer takes a break.

Speech pathology, also known as speech therapy is the diagnosis, management and treatment of people who have difficulty communicating. People who experience difficulties swallowing food and drinking safely can also be helped by a speech pathologist. Issues where speech pathology intervention can be beneficial include:

  • Changes in voice production, such as hoarseness

  • Difficulty thinking of words or expressing thoughts and feelings

  • Problems understanding spoken instructions or messages

  • Recent problems with reading and writing

  • Swallowing difficulties

  • Slurred speech

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital our speech pathologists help a variety of people who fail to develop normal communication or people who acquire communication and swallowing issues as a result of disease, injury or stroke.

What to expect

If you are referred to speech pathology when you visit the Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, a speech pathologist will provide an assessment of your communication and/or swallowing. An individual treatment plan will then be created, and your sessions can take place in your hospital room.

Education and support is provided to you and your family members throughout the treatment process. Interpreter services are available on request.

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm

  • 03 6278 5586

Tests and diagnostic services

Diagnostic services cover a range of scans, x-rays and laboratory tests used by specialists to determine the cause of an illness.

For more information and appointments please contact each organisation directly.

Endoscopy is a general term covering any procedure that involves examining the interior of the body with an endoscope. Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital has a specialist team that uses cutting-edge technology to carry out all endoscopic treatments.

Endoscopy can be used in the following procedures

  • Bronchoscopy (examination of the lungs)

  • Colonoscopy (examination of the large bowel)

  • Cystoscopy (examination of the bladder)

  • Endoanal ultrasounds (examination of your anal canal)

  • ECTT (examination of pancreatic ducts, bile duct, gall bladder and liver ducts)

  • Gastroscopy (examination of the stomach)

  • Oesophageal manometry (examination of the throat)

Please note:

  • Endoscopy is carried out under anaesthesia, which means you won’t be able to drive home after your procedure.

  • You’ll receive instruction from your GP about preparing for your endoscopy. Please follow them carefully.

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, Ground Floor

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm

  • 03 6278 5141

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we have an on-site radiology department, managed by Regional Imaging (IMED).

The radiology service at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital can help with:

  • Bone densitometry

  • General ultrasounds

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • Mammography and breast biopsy

  • Musculoskeletal imaging

  • Multi-slice computed tomography (CT) Scans

  • Nuclear medicine

  • Orthopantomography (OPG)

  • Vascular and soft tissue ultrasound

  • X-rays

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Ground Floor at Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital

  • Monday to Friday, 8.15am – 5.15pm

  • 03 6242 8000

Radiology services are available through A&E outside business hours

At Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital we have an on-site pathology department, managed by Hobart pathology.

Hobart pathology offers laboratory service that delivers expert analysis, testing and advice to our team of health care professionals. We offer a comprehensive range of routine, specialty and emergency pathology testing, with a fast turnaround for results.

Results can be downloaded electronically or delivered by courier to your medical specialist.

How to access this service
  • Referral by GP, another hospital, specialist or healthcare provider

  • Lower West Wing, Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital, 49 Augusta Rd Lenah Valley

  • Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm

  • 03 6223 1955